It is about the right time to learn Russian

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If we measure economic power by competitiveness, then exports are a good way to measure it. According to Michael Porter in his famous book The Competitive of Nations, nations compete by areas or sectors of their economies, where efficiency is very much a cultural matter.


According to those criteria for 2015 the two main economies are the European Union (US$5,158 billions[1]) and China (US$ 2, 208 billions) . The US is now only at a distant third place (US$ 1,486 billions), besides being involved in a deep systemic crisis.


Besides, the UE and China are now each others’ most important economic partner; a Ying Yan relation of economic complementarities. The space between these two main economic power houses, which are both eager to improve their infrastructure connectivity, is generically called Eurasia.


All of it is within the Russian sphere of influence. Infrastructure development is well known since Sismondi and Keynes, to be the best way to reactivate economic activity and to promote employment, which is the best way to distribute wealth and stimulate markets.


This gravitation towards each other, of the two main world economies, is going on under the name of the New Silk Road.


It is an investment opportunity not seen since the race from the East Coast to the West Coast of the US which attracted most of the big British bankers and caused the closely knit rapports between London’s City and Wall Street.


The New Silk Road maybe is the reason for Washington to attempt to impose on the EU, with the TTIP, the same kind of economic subservient links the US has imposed upon all its vassal states in the Third World, starting with NAFTA and then the collective hemispheric failed attempt of FTAA.


There is something peculiar to the area where the biggest investments of the XXI Century are going to be made. Throughout the whole region, the Lingua Franca is Russian. It is a reason for Washington wanting to hammer a wedge between Russia and its Brussels vassals.


Argonay, 31/10/2016




[1] ITC, Trade Map.
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