About Us

The Latin American Information Agency (ALAI) is an international communications organization committed to the full enjoyment of human rights, gender equality and people’s participation in public affairs and development in Latin America.


ALAI's mission is to formulate and develop responses to the various challenges of communication and its democratization as a strategic aspect of democracy, social justice, peace, pluri-cultural cohabitation and regional integration.


ALAI develops the following central lines of action:

- Editing and disseminating systematized information;

- Promoting the democratization of communication and digital technologies.




English language publications:

- The website Latin America in Movement

- The mailing list ALAI this week


Spanish and other language publications:

- The website América Latina en Movimiento - Online (www.alainet.org), updated daily, (4 languages)

- The periodical magazine América Latina en Movimiento (digital edition). A few editions are available in English.

- The daily distribution list ALAI al Día with a summary of new material on the site (all languages). And a list on Telegram and Whatsapp.

- Occasional books

-  Facebook ALAIinfo

-  Instagram ALAIinfo

-  Twitter ALAIinfo


Since 2013, ALAI is part of the Forum on Communication for the Integration of Our America, which brings together media networks and outlets and social coordinating bodies to collaborate in the coverage of regional integration processes and promote information work for the integration of peoples.


Founded in Montreal, Canada, in 1977, ALAI is registered in Ecuador, since 1991, as a non-profit foundation, under the name: Fundación Agencia Latinoamericana de Información - ALAI. Since 2021, it has an editorial team in Argentina.


ALAI has special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations.


Board of Directors 2021-2023 of Fundación ALAI:

- President: Ana Esther Ceceña (Mexico)

- Vice President: Monica Bruckmann (Peru/Brazil)

- Voting members: Manuel Bertoldi (Argentina), Osvaldo León (Ecuador)


Executive Director: Sally Burch (UK/Ecuador)


How to contact us


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