The growing danger of invasion of Venezuela

The USA have their eyes on Venezuela because it has the biggest reserve of petroleum in the world; an appetizing pie for their all-powerful oil companies.

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The geopolitics of the decadent US empire is still active in Latin America. Beware!  The appreciation borders on mistrust, because the offensive against Venezuela is an option.


Two clues: with the empire one has to think the worst to get it right, because beyond their borders the only interests are “national security” and the whole State apparatus is occupied with safeguarding it -- history indicates this and militarist practice corroborates it; secondly, in order to serve their interests, the “gringos” move as they see necessary: "false flags" to get what they want, with all the possible tricks and betting on not losing. And when they lose, they get mad.




1. The USA have their eyes on Venezuela because the Bolivarian country has the biggest reserve of petroleum in the world; an appetizing pie for their all-powerful oil companies.  It is clear that they have tried almost everything: a coup d'état against Chávez, threats against Maduro, electoral disqualification, social revolt, vandalizing mobilizations, bribery, internal and external propaganda, international discredit, crimes attributed to the government, discredit of institutions, among other actions.


Last March, Obama said that Venezuela was an "unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States". The alarm was sounded. It came to nothing at the time, but they did not admit defeat. It is clear that their interests are first, and for oil – as they have demonstrated -- they will do anything. Like the self-attack on the Twin Towers on September 11 to justify the invasion of Iraq, going for the oil under the pretext of terrorism. An empire with a big appetite. The threat is that big, and the offensive never-ending.


2. Under its imperial geopolitics, the USA works patiently with medium and long term strategies. They apply their perverse plan -- and it works as they buy traitors -- in such a way that if their previous actions don't work they continue to struggle anyway, including the use of force. And this is an option against Venezuela. The USA dares to do this and more. To have it on the table is to act in consequence.  The variable is still direct or indirect action, which for these ends is the same. That is to say, to put their stakes on an indirect invasion, which could become direct. It’s not a tongue twister, but a probability


They already have the pretext. It is a question of defence of their enterprises. Recall that the Pentagon is behind the offensive of the multinational corporations, that the commercial strategy is war. Here we have Exxon Mobil betting on destabilizing Venezuela, stirring up the internal conflict with Guyana, their neighbour.  In March (a coincidence? No) the oil company began operations in the former British colony, in the Guayana Esequiba that since 1777 was recognized as Venezuelan territory.


Exxon has agreed with the government of David Granger to invest 200 million dollars over ten years. The Guayana Esequiba dispute is not resolved and is a relic of the Spanish colony. In 1840, the English began a gradual advance in search of gold. The seizure was consummated in 1897 between the USA and Great Britain, of 159 thousand km2. In 1899, it was legalized through the "Paris Ruling". The case is with the UN since 1962, but since Guyana became independent in 1966, the problem continues.


The latest, it is said, is that Exxon financed the campaign of Granger and now he claims the right of Guyanese progress, supporting the oil company's interest. This is a scenario favourable to the “gringo” interests. The Pentagon is undertaking "joint military manoeuvres” in southern states, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado. To what end? It could be against Latin America. For the building of the Nicaragua Canal, or in support of Exxon. The USA is betting on the outcome. The cake is there, without a party or guests.


But the principal threat is against Venezuela. Without losing sight of the fact that to attack Venezuela is to attack its great achievements in favour of Latin American unity; that is to say, flourishing organizations such as Celac, Unasur, Alba and Petrocaribe. And in passing, against the countries involved, some more than others, such as Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Venezuela itself, etc.


And it goes against dignity that in the 21st century, the colonialist and imperial spirit remains while the ideals of Bolivar -- that Hugo Chávez Frías promoted – cause aversion. But the projects must recall the common history of Latin America, shake out the dead heirlooms: from the Spanish, Portuguese, English, Dutch. Above all the Spanish, for a common aspiration towards the peoples’ prosperity.  These are legitimate aspirations.


We may be sure that, for their ends, the Washington elite, and the oil men are moving their pawns. This includes smoothing their relations with Cuba, through the conditioned diplomatic relationship; the signal is not what it appears to be.  What is a re-establishment without considering Guantanamo nor removing the economic, financial and commercial blockade? A pat on the back for Raúl (Castro) when they advance against the island, dazzled to renew relationships with its old executioner. As though Raúl doesn't have the lack of confidence that Fidel had.  But these are “modern times” for them.


Not only this. We have already mentioned Nicaragua. But looking closely, even the attempt to deactivate the conflict in Colombia is a mess. This looks like an attempt to freely deploy US military bases in Colombia without the interference of the guerrillas. Like the current attempt to overthrow Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa. Business is a central part of the plot. It moves ahead to open the way. The rest comes later.


This is the case of the possible "operation straw", if Exxon drills in the Guayana Esequiba.  There is a danger of invasion. Beware of this! The aforementioned moves, all of them, all appear directed towards an end, or to kill several birds with one shot. This is a warning for Venezuela, for the Latin American region, including Cuba. The fall-out of the decadent empire still threatens, even as they collect defeats in their global excursions. So the red lights still need to burn, for Latin American unity itself.


(Translated for ALAI by Jordan Bishop)


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