Centennial of the Death of Leo Tolstoi, Gandhi's Teacher

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In a central place in my living room is an impressive work of a Polish painter. It depicts Tolstoi (1828-1910), embraced by Christ crowned with thorns. Tolstoi is dressed as a Russian peasant and looks exhausted, as if symbolizing the whole of humanity, finally arriving to the infinite embrace of peace, after millions of years of painful ascension on the path of evolution. It was a gift from the then President of the General Assembly of the United Nations, Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann, a great devotee of the father of modern pacifism. The centennial of his death in 1910 was celebrated on November 20th. Leo Tolstoi deserves to be remembered not only as one of humanity's great writers, with his novels War and Peace, (1868) and Ana Karenina (1875), among many others, totaling 90 volumes, but primarily as one of the spirits most committed to the poor and to peace, known as the father of modern day pacifism.

We theologians are particularly interested in The Kingdom of God is Within You, which he wrote in 1878, following a terrible spiritual crisis, when he was 50 years old. He associated with philosophers, theologians and wise men; but none satisfied him. Then he immersed himself in the world of the poor. There he discovered the living faith, «that which gave him the possibility of living.» Tolstoi considered this the most important book he had written. He thought his famous novels, as he confessed on 10/28/1895 in his Diary, were like «cheap goods sold by street vendors to attract clients to later sell them something very different.» It took him three years to finish it, (1890-1893).  It was published in Brazil in 1994, by Editora Rosa dos Tempos (now Record), with a beautiful introduction by Fray Clodovis Boff, but, sadly, it is out of print. It was published in Spanish by Editorial Kairos, this year, 2010.

The Kingdom of God is Within You, soon translated into several languages, had an enormous impact, generating both applause and strong rejection. But its main influence was on Mohandas K. Gandhi. When he read the book in 1894, he was also deep in a profound spiritual crisis, still believing in violence as the solution to social problems. The book caused a profound upheaval within him: «reading the book cured me and made me a firm follower of ahimsa (non-violence.)» He distributed the book among friends and took it to prison in 1908, to meditate on it. Thus the apostle of «active non-violence» had Leo Tolstoi as his teacher. Tolstoi was excommunicated by the Orthodox Church and the book was banned by the tsarist regime.

What is the central thesis of the book? These words of Christ: «resist ye not evil» (Mt 5,39.) Its meaning is: «Do not resist evil with evil.» Or, do not respond to violence with violence. It is not about folding one's arms, but responding to violence with active non-violence: with kindness, gentleness and love. In other words: «do not retaliate, do not take reprisals, do not counter attack, do not seek revenge.» As Gandhi teaches, these true attitudes have an invincible intrinsic force. For the Russian prophet, this precept is not restricted to Christianity. It touches on the secret and profound logic of the human spirit: love. It reflects the sacred that exists within each and every person. Thus the title of the book: The Kingdom of God is Within You.

Gandhi understood Tolstoian non-violence as non-cooperation, civil disobedience, and active rejection of all servility. Both he and Tolstoi knew that power feeds on acceptance, blind obedience and submission. Since both State and Church demand these servile attitudes, they are forcefully rejected. They are institutions that restrict freedom, the inalienable and defining attribute of the human being. On the front cover of the book we find this phrase by Saint Paul: «be not the servants of men.» (1Cor 7,23).

To Tolstoi, Christianity is less a doctrine to be accepted than a practice to be lived. Christianity is ahead and not behind. Looking back, it seems to have failed, but looking ahead it is a force still not fully implemented. And it is urgent that it be put into practice. Tolstoi perceived prophetically the irruption of violent wars, as they have in fact occurred. The house is on fire and there is no time to ask whether or not we should get out.

Tolstoi has a message for the present moment, because the powers that be continue to believe that warlike violence can solve the political problems in Iraq and in Afghanistan. But different times will come. When the baby chick can no longer remain in the egg, it breaks the shell with its beak, and is hatched. Thus should a new era of non-violence and peace be born.

- Leonardo Boff,  Theologian, Earthcharter Commission

(Free translation from the Spanish sent by Melina Alfaro, Refugio del Rio Grande, Texas, EE.UU.)


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